Friday, June 19, 2015

June 19th, 2015

There are few times in life when your soul is touched so deeply that it profoundly changes you.  I count myself blessed to consider this experience one of those times.  Romania has been a place I've felt drawn to and called to for many years.  When I heard of the opportunity, I was overwhelmed with a sense of the Lord's hand at work.  One night, I had a dream about my upcoming time in Romania in which a young girl with wild curly hair ran into my arms.  In the dream, I felt an instant connection with her.  A few months later, our training team came to Halifax from California to prepare us for our time with Children To Love. During the training, they put photos of some of the children up and we were asked to pray for them leading up to this week.  I noticed in one of the photos, the very girl from my dream.  Meeting her at the beginning of the week was such an incredible, touching, and profoundly changing moment.

Today, I once again got to spend some time with the sweet and beautiful young lady. In addition, she was joined with her 5 housemates/"sisters", and about 20 other young children from a center we'd visited earlier in the week. We presented (likely for the 5th time this week) the story of the man who built his house on the rock. I've been so touched by the Romanian CTL staff and the ways in which they live their lives, dedicated to showing these beautiful children of Romania how to find a rock suitable for building their house. One of the team members shared a story of times when they tried to "build their house on the sand."  The children responded with such love after hearing the story. (This love was clearly learned by the many people investing in their lives on a daily basis.) They expressed concern, and responded with relief when they heard that the individual had eventually found Jesus as His rock. Later in the day, a new group of preteens and teens came to the ministry center, and enjoyed time worshiping and spending time together.

In the evening, we had a chance to visit a Christian book store. I've been really enjoying learning the language here, and was able to purchase an English/Romanian translation of the New Testament.  I'm really looking forward to continuing my study of the language once we return.

As I reflect on the profoundly changing moments, these are the top 10 things I believe I will now carry with me.

1. The JOY of the Lord is our strength

2. Life's simplest law= Love wins

3. Behind every face is an untold story.  Be the ear that hears it.

4. Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ Jesus our Lord.

5. God shows up in the most unexpected ways.

6. Dutch Blitz crosses all language barriers.

7. When you do something for the least of these, you are doing it unto the Lord.

8. Simply put, I am so blessed.

9. Give generously, even when you feel like you have nothing left to give. (both financially, and in giving of yourself.)

10. A piece of my heart now lives in Romania.

Thank you all so much for the support and prayers for this team. We were met with challenges, but we were also met with amazing witness of the things the Lord is doing.  Praise be to God. Amin.

Kim Musser

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